Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

how do you measure a year?

like rent?

no fucking photobooth photos dur

never ever

i can't possibly ever get tired of riding the bike around philly at quarter to four in the morning. there is nothing quite like crossing eight lanes of dead-still red lights with no hand and not a feeling at all of the hundred of cars that will clog the streets in just a few hours or the ones that freshly scurried away.
going through the heart of center city the wrong way on the smoothest streets i've ever felt, no i'll never get tired of it. in the humid lukewarm early summer air that fills you and sticks to you no matter how fast you're moving. its a ghost town, nobody is awake makes you think you're the only one around, nothing to think about but whats around on a sunday night. wholly consumed with pedaling and seeing.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

CAUTION: i give saic a bad rep

totally fucking awesome night went to party in soufilly with dennis angela and paula dean. had beer and good times talked awkwardly to people and less awkwardly to others. once again, low expetations and a pretty good time equal a great time. went back to angelas chilled with paula and angie j bers after elmo stoped yelling at us we took our pants off and stared watching bratz the movie, while i told glory stories to paula about my first year experiences. angela got progressivly madder at me because she's heard em' all before and i don't shut the fuck up ever. however, i dont give a shit. then ed newton showed up and that was cool, cool guy ed newton. we sat around watching she's all that and discussed muzak and such some. it seems im a huge pretentious asshole, i am aware many people think that already but im not sure why, perhaps because im really up my own ass, but i enjoy my life and like sharing stories.
anywhos i left and got home around three thirty. then woke up at 8:45 and bike to tex's house in east falls a five mile bike ride with a massive hill at the end. showed up at 9:30 and was panting like wimp, then me tex and sam had waffles and we departed to mt. airy and other north west phila locales to find yard sales. we fould around seven and didn't find much. i bout one thing and am so fucking pumped about, its a 8mm camera from 1960 for $2. then we went back to tex's and did some filming while driving with sam's brother's hd camera for tex and sam's home made virtual reality treadmill.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

had a good night last night last night. went on an adventure with angela dennis and eric in den's car. went to pen treaty park and then toward den's house got cheesesteaks and then went to angela's to go pee. went all the way out to the burbs (north west burbs) to dannys house to somoke on his roof, looked at stars while friends got light headed. played life and came in second, always the case. drove back to sid myers civ. and broke 100 on the way back also denni's did this really great trick where its really dark out so he turned the lights off and we couldn't see a thing. really good trick everyone enjoyed that one. went to burger king went to macdonalds went to more of the same and they were closed, the only place that could feed angelas not getting out of the car but getting food addiction was the verry lovely Tywlando Frowanda Jackson working the graveyard shift at dunkin doughnuts. took angela home took me home and went to bed around four.
all in all a splendid night tons of driving in circels and screaming out street signs according to the size of the type face, what a rush. also almost peed my pants when we used ( ) thing for deaf people to call their friends, its like you im this place and they call your friend for free and a laive person tells them what youre typing and they type what your friend says to you, very weird but you just get them to say silly stuff and it was quite funny.

while laying in bed half asleep i had a wonderful dream where i was walking down a street in a sort of unfamiliar but very nice neighborhood, and saw some people sitting around at a tabel in somebodies backyard through a wroght iron door/ fence. one of the people recogonized me and invitd me in, it was a really nice garden party on kind of a cloudy day. i was kind of aprehensive because i didn't know the person that well and i didn't think i was going to know anybody there. someone came out of the house and handed me a cup and i realized everyone was casually drinking and it seemed like a really nice scene. i went inside and saw a lot of people mostly from saic who i sort of knew but really want to get to know better, i cant remember many of them and i dont know all their names, but kathy and preston were there and so was oliver and i think siera and maybe pablo.
i sort of woke up to what seemed like either someone or a bird on my roof, perhaps a tree in the breeze pushing against the window, it didn't bother me at all and wanted to see more of the party, but i got up thinking that thats all i really needed to see, was going to have good time getting to know people better there for sure.
its 8:48 now and i think i might go apply to blick today but first im going to have a bowl of cereal and finish watching life of brian. im going to slow down for a while maybe just today but who knows.

thought for the day: if you're a truly good person and just palain honest, people think you're crazy or a total asshole.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Saturday, May 16, 2009

went to the art museum today, saw all the Duchamps they had to offer and was glad to finally see the big glass and remember it. while i was siting in front of it i was surprised at how many fucking people are not just ignorant to art in an art museum but how fucking rude they are. just douche bag after douche bag walking by and just about yelling to their friends why paintings of stripes are fucking retarded. why would you bother going into the modern and contemporary wing if you hate everything that doesn't look like some thing else. im really not upset at these people, it just seems like there is a mass public tendency to shun modern art for whatever reason.
perhaps there just uneducated and im so fucking smart because i can appreciate it and pay out of my ass to hear old white guys tell me how this kind of stuff "thinks".
butt fuck that it doesn't take a college education to know that you think something looks cool, because it cost you money to get into the building everything should be spoon fed to you? if you think so go fucking look at all the detail in nineteenth century decorative arts faggot.

i want things that challenge me and pay off at the end or at least get me to question things, think i might go to the art museum next time with plaid shorts and the collar on my holister polo popped with out ever taking off my sunglasses and i tell the dumb bitch hanging on my arm that she could fucking paint that ellsworth kelly im standing in front of.

does contemporary art need to keep in mind that idiots are going to be idiots in front of it, should i start making things with built in fail safes, jets all just turn the other cheek to the massive majority, they dont matter because they dont get it. the answer is stop making pretentious art, it doesn't need to be high minded make it accessible to the every man, then what do the artists look at, everybody knows art about art is just so alienating. then the artists just have to be everymen then. all equal and nobody feels left out right?
no not everyone is equal, some people have passion in what they do, strange right? yeah in every field there are people who give a shit, i don't know much about economics but I'm sure somebody has big ideas about it and that's great. whats different about art is that there is no goal, there is no way to gauge art. trends change every couple of years and whenever you decide its too weird or not right your tastes are passe and your too fucking old so go away. its an endless sea of confusion with a few steam engines happily sailing in circles with tons of rich white people on board having cheese and wine while jeff coons jerks off in the engine room. then there are countless people on outboards going straight ahead full of grit and screaming as loud as they can to their goal, however the horizon is fixed. there are also critics in hot air balloons looking down at the scene before them and telling people all about it however they are to high up to hear fully hear the screams . and now matter how hard they try they cant see all the people in the endless sea there are just oo many people. and when artists die their vessels do not go away, they remain afloat until somebody sinks them and they are forgotten for the time being. there dangerous waters to traverse but i aint got shit else to do but sail.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

normalcy is an uncanny feeling

started drawing for painting think i might do, its actually going to be planned, big leaps yo. then theo knocked and we played chess for a spell in rittenhouse, he won no hard feelings though. came back and watched some weeds/ worked more on drawing think it might be good. then got call from angela and dennis, said were coming to hang out with you. i sad cool and get me a fucking wawa green tea, they brought raspberry iced tea but thats ok, no hard feelings. we went to penn treaty park and talked aboot the real jackson pollock, the real way.

got cold and went to dennis' house in le' neast. played vid gaymes fir a minute, and decided it woud be a good idea to get high. i said fuck it and decided to actually let go for a chance and went for it. i got real high like i usually don't. i get really high btw's felt the bod pulsing and got an echo, had shammazing talk with angie and denny they is really grrrrreeeeeaaaaat friends. we went up to dens room after a while, i at half a bag of dorritos and half of a utz ripple cut chips bag too. we talked more about real stuff i think. then we drove down to my house went to shittenhouse after scavenging left-overs and sat around then went to taney. played on the playset/ swings some and talked more. went to the ballfield there and sat on the bleachers dennis found a god sent capri sun and drank all the swine flu out of it.
walked back to my house and sat in le room listening gay music it picked.

then they got bored/ angela had to go home so now i is going to wash the awesome night smell off of me and lay in bed and reflect on having good friends and being back where i belong.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

went for a bike ride, blew a tire then went for a hike to here.

then made this

then put it here

its called "this is just a test"

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

so close i can smell the fear

i had crit from nine in the morning to five thirty for core yesterday. great last class some really fucking amazing work from people i was glad to meet i would like to see what they do in the future sean and eva and cassidy among them. there were two full nude pieces, one was five photographs this girl did of herself they were really impressive and brave. also preston did somethings where he cleaned his bed and around it and brought all that into class and catalogued it so as to take hold of his shit that folowed him, then during the crit he proceeded to take his clothes off rather apprehensively but it was a good thing and he was just in his birthday suit in the hallway with a class of forty people around him. for those keeping score thats two pairs of live balls ive seen in crit this semester.
then i ran home to grab my painting and came back for class at six where i had my research final crit form six to eleven, that was just crazy more than a crit the assignment was bad art and it wild, many jokes and fuck yous were produced, also i was given quite the good crit about how the best of my work for that class is reactionary and highly autobiographical. however it does not work at all outside of the classroom, so i have to work on things that have that layered personal history and clever integration of history but are also engaging to the everyman and how i can give them some of that content. while maintaining a dignity in nuance and subtlety.

philly too fucking soon, i dont wana grow up i just want to live and make things, not even art just objects for people to experience and the occasional image if thats how it has to be. no job fuck that but life is money, not, but yeah whateves it will have to come to me at some point.

lets fuckinhg walk in the heat with a half gallon of wawa green tea and then play chess on the sidewalk and have a nice conversation as the sun goes down, then go get ripped and dance dance dance and walk arround some more then fall asleep somewhere and wake up in the mourn then do it again.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

hangin' out on amy jones' floor rockin' to the kinks. thinkin' 'bout this summa' its gonna' be great. dog.

 remind me to tell you that whale joke. (i know kirk told me it) 


Friday, May 1, 2009

almost done

so apparently im evil which i guess comes as no surprise to some. but paul hopkin continues to call me the destroyer, however after recently seeing some more recent and not evil pieces he was intrigued i guess and he and pete got to talking about how im kind of torn in half and and the best stuff i make will enguage in both halfs, i have to smash myself back together again.

i havent had as much fun in a while as when its a nice day and the performance art classes do their performances out in the courtyard. and the printmaking class im in looks over them as the roll around on the ground and act like ferrinle people or just weird "creative" things. all the slightly more sane at least from where im standing print kids laugh thier asses offffffff.

philly in a week and three days. and im not even going to talk about amy jones...

not even a little..