Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

i am the slantichrist

dear santa,

hello, i have not bloggered in a while, but that is because i is has beenz buss'y. well here are some golden words flowing from my brain like when qing says sweet and man and bro, it makes my life worth living. jason says the surfaces is more interesting than my paintings but not in such a bad way.(i made em') to have my toes just over the edge of the painting cliff into the object abyss would be just splendid. and i don't have to do douchebag art all the time, i don't but it mostly seems to come out that way in pun intended. well fuck it (as the kids these days say) i will make something serious for the bad art assignment and do something involving a junky aesthetic that i at times have been known to prescribe to. he also seemed surprised that i make serious work (i do by the way). the project where i was going to rent a wood chipper at the end of year art show and feed art into it and sell it by the pound turned out to be a dead end when we realized that it would kill people if we put processed wood into it because it would have shot formaldehyde dust into childrens wanting faces like some all too sexy bukkake vid.
the theme for my print series is drawings of lined paper on chewbacca. also the jerusalem print is going to be three topless bitches rubbing their cunts on a nascar, here's the kicker they are all wearing armbands like the ones in the holocaust of the three faiths of jerusalem. deep right, must be all that fucking disgusting deep dish pizza i have tried to stay away from because kirk says im getting fat.
my feet stink , and in other news have you ever put a quarter in your shoe just to make your day more interesting. i used to do it as a kid and it really works to this day, one foot is slightly heavier and you can feel it knocking around when you're walking it allows you to not concentrate at all on what is at hand, which can be a very useful trick when you are stressed as fuck.
less than a month till i go back to philly to face the real world of people who don't give a shit about the inner workings of Phillip guston's golden nugget of a brain. however there will be less racism and not so many fucking koreans everywhere. so i have that to look forward to as well as watching so much degrassi that i get fired from my shitty summer job whatever i decide to do with one year of art school under my studded checkered belt i got at my first good charlot concert. because the job market is wide open for idealists like me who have no time for people who can't see any kind of a bigger picture according to tim schade(p.h.d. in extreme paleontology).
batman's cool. i guess ...

think i might finally follow through with my third or fourth grade idea for a hollows eve costume. i don't want to give it away but it involves mortal kombat and throwing rice at people to look like im turning them into ice,(its subzero). need a hair cut, might as well (put thi(s in )par)en(thesies)because(im)not (over using them) at al(l (if )im going to get one cut i might as well get them all cut at the same motherfucking time.
i wish all my writing was in super fancy hand written cursive, well not super fancy but like legible and it scrolled across the screen as there was a shot of me writing it just in case you didnt get that i was writing it because im dictating it at the same time you asshole.

you want to know why il drink that pepsi?... because i like the new logo... yeah.

people are mostly uninteresting some are ok but odds are if i meet you for the first time i will end up not liking you at all for almost no particular reason than the fact that you serve no purpose in the world or mine for that matter. i might not even kee you arround to make fun of you, if you aren't even interesting then you're fucked. you're just bleh why should i care about any aspect of your being, i could go pick up an identical replacement for you at the seven eleven while i'm getting an all flavor medium slushie and a bag of sour creme and cheddar chips. the end.



p.s. all i want for christmas is to be loved and not be depressd for a while and rear aerospoke for my bike, matt yellow with a gold finish fifteen tooth euro asia import cog and matching lockring so it wont fucking fall off like the last shitty siguingo one i had that almost go me fucking killed, piece of shit, if that would be possibe. or just the aeorspoke would be nice, but matt yellow fo sho.

pps get jenni a typewriter too in some cool color and a matching retro alarm clock too.

ppss get kirk some criterion dvds.

pppss666 get jordan a ticket to philadelphi for the summa so i can show her the town and we can hang ova tha summa fo a while.

pppssssssss get angela a cool bike and teach her how to ride it so we can bike ride to place unknwn we the secrets of degrassi will be uncovered

ppppss66.6 get dennis some soap and good taste in musak because he stinks in the pits and the ears.

pppppppppps jk get dennis some more interesting dildoes so he dont have to put no more potatoes in his butt no more.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Tim Schade
April, 8 2009
Blog Post

it seems that the fear mongering is starting to take hold of my life and what i want to do. i guess it always has but what the fuck. I wrote a proposal for art bash to rent a wood chipper and chop bad art and sell it by the pound. and i just got back from hearing this guy talk my ear off about how dangerous it would be.
what eves i just wonder what ever happened to cajones, since when does every care more about safety than having fun. and not even real safety, hypothetical safety the idea of danger scares people too much to do any thing worth doing. step the fuck up and and do something you want and don't worry about the consequences. just start doing things, evil kenival used to be popular you know, and not because it was ironic.
lest sjust do some dumb shit perhaps constrctive, really good things arent usually well recieved by most.