Tuesday, March 31, 2009

at the end

at the end of first all nighter soooooooo tired. many projects i think good maybe done. waterboarding a cat? (because they dont like water!) screen shots of movie also email i got from my dad. and another movie me and kirk made screen shot its called magical glass and is not about meth. i have class in two hours and have that for six hours and then a class two hours later and that class is for thre hours and then i can sleep forever, oh wait i have to do seven more projects for the second part of my class for tonight's crit i must hate myself or something or not realize that i am only human and have way too ambicious idea for my own body. but the good news is im still alive so far and that girl i have to draw for class tomorrrow totally said in my interview of her for class said that she was a wicken and was into punk and silly me thinking that someone form oklahoma who said that they were into punk ment punk and not that one of her favorite bands was god charlite punk. horrrayyyyyy. da dad dead daed deed

Thursday, March 26, 2009

its like civil rights never happened

every security guard at saic is black and i have not had a single black teacher, one turkish art history instructor but he grew up and was educated there. i know its not just chicago and i for some reason think that philadelphia is a least a little bit better at having an almost equal ammount of multicultural trash. i know taht it shouldnt matter what color the poor people are as long as the rich people are diffrent colors as well but fuck its not like im looking for social injustices and staging picket lines, i really dont give a fuck about race realtions usually but come on chicago/ americia step your game up.
also i just remembered there are like 20 black people out of 2000 at this school

Monday, March 23, 2009

hey it's my birthday what did you get me. just k'ing but yeah apparently jenni has planned some kind of party that will be a surprise for me today and i have been told that it is not zoids themed and am very upset right now. also jenni is in cahoots with my mother and that can not be good at all, my mom probably sent jenni som acid in the mail so that she can throw it in my face because i dont call home enough. but thats becides the point, i got new shoes(see picture) and they is cool and i dont give a shit that they is frm urban outfitters, because they are really nicly designed and it dosen't matter where they came from because content does not really matter nearly as much as form does to me in a shoe or really at all for that matter. so shut the fuck up kirk and stop telling everybody that my shoes are from urban outfitters. i is also feeling way better about lifes in general and the weather is turning up in chicago so bike rides is what that means.
art is only fun when hyou are actually manipulatin materieals, every other part sucks hard balls to the max. i dont't hate talking about art that much when the people you are talking to aren't fucking retarted or too smart for their own good. because everybody starts telling you what your peice is about and what they see in it, like oh i think that looks like a monkey, or oh yeah this abstrach painting here reminds me of starwars that sceen when boba fett gets eaten by that big monstern in the ground. and then somebody chimes in yeah ok so what does that say about the piece and then they ask you if that was what you were going for. and then i tell them that they are looking at the spilled paint on the floor next to my piece.
but i do like manipulating stuff and ideas, thats what i like about art, getting my hands dirty perhaps i can move into a really tall tower and make art all day and when im done i can just throw it out the window and the tower will be so tall that i wont be able to hear it when people yell up yeah its looks nice, but what does it mean.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

what i'm going to school for

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009


watched two movies tonight one fucking genius the other kept my interest but ultimately was bad.
the former was paul mccarthy's "painter" the later was the midnight showing of the watchmen.

i didn't even read the book and am upset, really good story that needed to stay a book. I think i will just watch pretentious art flicks from now on, werner herzog marathon anyone?

i also got really upset at just how out of touch with "mainstream america's" values i realized i am while watching previews and commercials at the theater for half an hour. why did anyone think it was at all a good idea for my chemical romance to do a remake of desolation road(bob dylan did the original in case you didn't already know).

wish i was a fuckin idiot so that i could fit in sometimes, then again its a much nicer view from the top, the only problem is you can see everyone else stumbling around in the dark.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

bruce namsayn? bruce naumean?

my core teachers are kind of pissing me off, but are willing to talk to me about it and hear what i have to say so i can't really be mad at them. it sucks when you want to be mad at someone but you can't because they don't deserve it at all, and your only reason for being upset is your own laziness.

anywhosels tim schade won pun intended again, making this the second time in a row out of two rankings. he was also given the nickname "superstar" by lary lee. and was told by paul hopkin that he could blush on command. was also asked to work on super secret project with five other fine young students.
in other news he spent all day yesterday flushing his body of all liquid, weather violent bursts of butt scented water from the ass or throwing up a total of five times, once may i note while riding on a buss. funny note someone threw up in pun intended tonight while in the process of running up and down nine flights of stairs, as a part of a make-shift presidential fitness test prescribed as a humiliation/redemption event as a result of missing three classes in a row. what is this third grade all over again? no its art school folks.

im going to withdraw from my english class and go see if my life can't be happier tomorrow.
i love you guys

and one more thing:
jason dunda and larry lee gave a really great class after all the silliness was over, including a look at the idea of concept in art and what research studio is about, which is finding the resolution to an idea through the process of working on it and making things in general. even making the TA do push ups when he walked in late to disrupt the serious part of the class.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

went out for korean with jenni boris minky pablo kathy preston and montey, good stinkin fud. almost got crepes and even got seated and served water with a cucumber in it before deciding this was totally gay and decided to split.
its snowing so fucking hard right now and its sticking all over the place, a little scary even.

intaglio is the best fuck what you heard.
guess il work on that presentation for that dumb whore heidi mckye today.
torn about going home for spring break, think i might get much work, but i wanna see some homos, although it would be just me and jenni for three or four.
also oli watt was totally like hey i want you to be my intern in a couple of years, and im all like fuck yeah bro, and hes all like yeah we can hang out in my basement and make prints dawg.